What's in your personal data file?

You can request a file containing the personal information you share with Wellhub.

đź’ˇ Read our Privacy Policy to understand how your data is used.

In the CSV file, you may find:

Account info
  • Date you created your Wellhub account.
  • Date you last updated your account, including name, email, payment method, among other changes.
  • Name you added or changed in the account menu.
  • Email you added or changed in the account menu.
  • Country you added when signing up.
  • Payment methods you registered, such as paycheck deduction or credit card.
Membership history
  • 90-day log in history from the date you submitted the request.
  • 90-day password changes from the date you submitted the request.
  • Plan history and changes, such as upgrade and downgrade.
  • Plan prices.
Usage history
  • Partners, spaces, and personal trainers.
  • Booking status, such as requested, accepted, canceled, no-show.
  • Check-ins, whether for live class or on-site class.

If you need any specific data that isn't available in this file or if you have any questions about your data, please contact Wellhub’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) at dpo@wellhub.com with “Personal data download” in the subject.

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