To access Orangetheory Fitness with Wellhub, you need an active plan that covers the Orangetheory Fitness studio you’d like to visit.
To find out which plan you need, follow the next steps:
- Open the Wellhub app and go to
- Search for your preferred Orangetheory Fitness location.
- On the gym profile, tap on See what's included by plan.
This will show you which Wellhub plans include access to that Orangetheory Fitness location.
Tips for your first Orangetheory class:
- Book in advance: Before each Orangetheory Fitness class, you must book a class in advance using the schedule in the Wellhub app.
- Arrive early: For your first class, please arrive 30 minutes early to complete a waiver and receive a studio tour.
- Heart rate monitors: While not required, Orangetheory Fitness encourages using heart rate monitors to help you get the most out of your workout.
⚠️ Don't forget to check in on your Wellhub app each time you arrive at the studio!
Important note
You can book Orangetheory classes for one year, starting with your first class.
If you can't book, you’ve probably reached your booking limit. Try again after the anniversary of your first class.
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